Board of Directors
Expanding Governance Model
Montessori School of Calgary ensures long-term sustainability that embodies the core AMI Montessori principals. The administration continually examines policies and procedures that elevate our best-practices in all areas including health and safety, technology, regulatory requirements and professional development. MSofC moved from an individual-steward business model to a broader governance model and in April 2016 Montessori School of Calgary introduced a Board of Directors comprised of individuals from within our Montessori community as well as external stakeholders All of our board members demonstrate an understanding and commitment to AMI Montessori principles.
Charitable Status with CRA
Montessori School of Calgary is a Non-Profit organization and a Canadian registered charity (Registered B.N. 138876065 RR0001).
Donations to the School contribute to enhanced learning environments and experiences for our students and continued advancement of the vision of AMI Montessori learning. For information on how your support can make a difference at the Montessori School of Calgary, please contact Patti van Zeyl, Head of School at 403-229-1011 or [email protected]
Donations to the School contribute to enhanced learning environments and experiences for our students and continued advancement of the vision of AMI Montessori learning. For information on how your support can make a difference at the Montessori School of Calgary, please contact Patti van Zeyl, Head of School at 403-229-1011 or [email protected]
Proposed Physical Changes to Support Growth
Montessori School of Calgary consults with the City of Calgary and the Cliff Bungalow Community Association to propose building improvements to the existing historical structure. These efforts are undertaken in a careful and methodical manner to ensure that all stakeholders are in agreement with the school's proposed physical changes and further development to the building. Plans are evolving to further accommodate growth and expansion of the MSofC programs.
The Montessori School of Calgary is an accredited private school through Alberta Education therefore the Alberta Program of Studies is followed within our AMI Montessori principles and the school receives some government funding.
The school intends to maintain both AMI Montessori and Government of Alberta accreditation.
The school intends to maintain both AMI Montessori and Government of Alberta accreditation.